Monday, October 4, 2010

Adding Color

To Create a new shape with color:

1. Create a new layer. (Layer- New Layer)

2. Use the Lasso Tool (Polygonal or Regular) to create the shape.

3. Enclose the shape so it is selected (moving dotted lines).

4. Choose and fill color. (Edit- Fill- use drop menu and select Color and choose color from palette, press OK)

5. De-select selection (Control-D)

6. Move Layer to the bottom of layer window if you want the text to be on top of the color.

Adding Your Drawings to the Text

1. Open your drawing with photoshop.

2. Make the drawing more white and less grey.  Image- Adjustments- Exposure and increase exposure until background is white.

3. Zoom in on image using Magnifying Glass. This will make it easier to use Lasso Tool and make selections.

4. Select image you want to copy using Lasso Tool (regular Lasso= free form, Polygonal Lasso- point by point, more accuracy)

5. Using Polyonal Lasso Tool trace around the image using a series of connected points and enclose the shape so selection is made (moving dotted lines).

6. Copy image (Edit- Copy), then click on your Text document and Paste (Edit- Paste)

7. Enlarge image by transforming. Hit Control-T and enlarge image by dragging the corner. Remember to hold the shift key while enlarging to keep image proportionate and let go of the mouse before shift when you have the size you want.

8. Apply the Transformation by clicking on the Move Tool and it will ask you if you'd like to apply the transformation. Click yes if you would like to or canel to return to the size you started with.