Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Digital Photography Procedures

Graphic Design I Digital Photography
1. Be professional and respectful when taking pictures. Do not disrupt other classes.
2. Wear a photography ID when taking pictures during class.
3. Do not take pictures inside other classrooms while class is in session. You may take pictures inside other classrooms before or after school with permission of the teacher or staff member.
4. Bring a flashdrive to class everyday.
5. If you do not have your own camera in class on a day when you are assigned to take pictures, you must use the camers in class. Just sitting around at your computer is NOT an option.
6. If you choose to use your own camera, you must have it in class (for in-class assignments).

Procedures for Using Cameras
1. Get a camera from Ms. Boban and check for missing parts or damages. Immediately report anything to Ms. Boban
Each box contains: camera, USB cord, battery & av cable
3. Watch Ms. Boban write your name (and partner’s name) on blue tape and put it on camera box.
3. Make sure the number on camera matches the number on box.
4. Upload images onto your computer using USB cord.
4. When done using camera, return to Ms. Boban with all parts. Ms. Boban will remove your name if you are done using that camera for that particular project.
Outside of Class
1. See Ms. Boban in room 218 immediately after school to check out a camera overnight. Immediately report anything to Ms. Boban
Each box contains: camera, USB cord, battery & av cable
2. Fill out the equipment list with your name and date camera will be returned
3. The camera must be returned before school or at the beginning of class on the day it is due (this date will be determined by the specific assignment).