Friday, January 21, 2011

Getting Started

  • Open a new Photoshop document and choose the size you want but make sure the resolution is set to 300. This will allow me to print your work larger.
  • Copy and paste your photographs into your new document
  • Convert your photographs to grayscale mode (image> mode> check grayscale) 
  • Change the brightness and contrast to create extreme lights and darks in your photographs. 
  • Don't forget to crop your photographs; you don't need to include everything in the frame.  
  • Combine text with your image(s). Use all caps and easy-to-read, sans serif (without feet) typeface: Arial, Helvetica, Impact, etc.
  • Remember to use a simple, bold style; you want the viewer to easily read your text and see your image.

Project Examples from Austin High School